martes, 3 de julio de 2012

we all look different... but we are all the same!

This is our world!! Hem parlat d'on vivim, dels continents, dels països, d'on hem anat de viatge... 

Aleshores hem descobert que les persones de diferents llocs vesteixen de diferent manera, tenen la pell de diferent color, viuen en cases diferents... però totes elles són persones... tots som THE SAME.

Per entendre-ho, hem fet un mural amb mans de diferents colors: BLUE, RED, YELLOW i BLACK.

Després el Chris ens ha explicat un poema molt xulo:

The Crayon Box That Talked

While walking into a toy store the day before today
I overheard a crayon box with many things to say

"I don't like Red!" said Yellow and Green said "Nor do I"
"And no one here likes Orange but no one knows just why"

"We are a box of crayons that doesn't get along
Said Blue to all the others "Something here is wrong"

Well, I bought that box of crayons and took it home with me
And laid out all the colors so the crayons all could see

They watched me as I colored with Red and Blue and Green
And Black and White and Orange and every color in between

They watched as Green became the grass and Blue became the sky
The Yellow sun was shining bright on White clouds drifting by

Colors changing as they touched becoming something new
They watched me as I colored - they watched me till I was through

And when I finally finished I began to walk away
And as I did the crayon box had something more to say

"I do like Red!" said Yellow and Green said, "so do I"
And Blue you were terrific! So high up in the sky

"We are a box of crayons each one of us unique
But when we get together the picture is more complete"

Aquí teniu un video del poema:

Després hem fet un joc amb una GREEN APPLE i una RED APPLE: havíem de tastar-les amb els ulls tancats i saber quina poma era. I sabeu què hem descobert? Que encara que per fora les pomes eren diferents, per dins eren iguals! APPLES! Així que... We all look different but we are all the same!!

Buf... tant treballar ens ha fet agafar calor... doncs WATER GAMES! Hem aconseguit una HOSE i així cada dia... IT'S RAINING!

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